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Provision the device to West Connectivity

West Connectivity supports two protocols Http/Mqtt to communicate with, for this quick start, we are going to use a simple tool Postman as a simulated device to publish data to West Connectivity.


  1. Go through Create a connector to create an Connector
  2. Make sure the Self-Provisioning setting is enabled, the Authentication is Token
  3. Install the Postman
  4. Add a collection and add a request using Postman app Add a collection and add a request

Provision the device using HTTP API

On Connector page, copy the connector URL by click link icon.

Copy connector link

The device provisioning API of HTTP is /provision/activate The full request URL should be <connector URL>/provision/activate,

Add a x-www-form-urlencoded key named "id" with value <device-name> in Body.

ex: Postman Body

Click Send button, you would see there is a response with 200 OK and a token in body, please record this token, it will be used on next chapter.

Response token

Now you can see the device you provisioned on UI device list:

Device Page

Next: You can Define the data format