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Secured Content Storage Service

File storage management, upload and retrieval service.

This service is natively used by:
- TSDB (timeseries database) service to export archived files.
- Device2 (device connectivity) to save file uploaded by devices.
The maximum file size is according to system administrator configuration, the default is 512MB(536870912 bytes)

The Content service enables applications and devices connected to the West Connectivity to host and share binary files.

Files are not stored withing the Content service itself but relies on an external file storage infrastructure service. File storage system exposes a secured API compatible with Amazon Web Services S3 (Simple Storage Service) to provide file storage and for user to interact with the files. Other compatible solutions are available to avoid hard dependency on Amazon products. Therefore, storage management, including backup, security and encryption is the responsibility of the File storage system.

Files are stored in logical folder per IoT Solutions to ensure file isolation between namespaces.


Configuration parameters

Please note that bold arguments are required, while italic arguments are optional.

Name Type Description
enable_backup boolean Enable remote storage to automatically save all content files from local to remote storage (both storages are predefined during platform installation)
retention_policy [ object ] Retention policy to delete files
retention_policy[].ttl ^[0-9]+[dy]$ Time to live, based on when the files are uploaded/updated, should be days or years, eg: 1d, 30d
retention_policy[].name string The name of this policy
retention_policy[].prefix ^(?!daily_archive).* Use 'device2' as prefix to set retention for device files. If empty, will apply to all.
whitelisted_file_types string Comma separated file types such as "csv, jpg, zip". If file restriction is not needed, use wildcard * instead.
Default: "bin, bmp, csv, doc, docx, html, jpeg, jpg, json, md, onnx, png, rar, tar, txt, xls, xlsx, xml, yaml, yml, zip"
total_file_quota integer Total number of files allowed to be uploaded in a solution namespace. After the number of files has exceeded the quota, the service will block future uploads.
Maximum: 100000000
Minimum: 1
Default: 100


Please note that bold arguments are required, while italic arguments are optional.


Deletes all the content for the given context/solution; All regular and device2 files will be deleted and daily archives are excluded.



Code Body Type Description
200 nil All content items are deleted; The deleted details are not listed due to the large number of content items.


local res = Content.clear()


Get the amount of files in regard to the specific file type(regular, device2 and daily_archive)



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
prefix string Only returns items starting with the given prefix.
start_time integer The beginning of datetime(unix timestamp in second)
end_time integer The end of datetime(unix timestamp in second)
storage "all", "default", "remote" Specific data count on default storage or remote storage
Default: "all"


Code Body Type Description
200 [ integer ] The amount of the files


local res = Content.count({})


Delete the given content item



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
id string The content unique ID


Code Body Type Description
200 object The content item was deleted
400 object Invalid content key or solution id

Object Parameter of 200 response:

Name Type Description
id string The id of the content item

Object Parameter of 400 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message


local res = Content.delete({
  id = 'image.png',


Delete multiple files in a solution



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
body [ string ] The list of files user wants to delete


Code Body Type Description
200 object Number of deletion
404 object Content not found

Object Parameter of 200 response:

Name Type Description
deleted_count integer Number of deletion

Object Parameter of 404 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message


local res = Content.deleteMulti({body = {"file1", "file2"}})


Get the download URL for the specified content item



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
id string The content unique ID
expires_in ^[0-9]{0,9}$ Time duration in seconds or URL validity; Expiration lasts for 5 minutes by default.
Maximum: 86400
Minimum: 1


Code Body Type Description
200 object The download URL
404 object Content not found

Object Parameter of 200 response:

Name Type Description
id string The id of the content item
url string The URL to use
method "GET" The HTTP method to use with this URL

Object Parameter of 404 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message


local filename = "image.png"
local file_type = "image/png"
local expires_in = 600

local presigned_download ={
  id = filename,
  type = file_type,
  expires_in = expires_in,

-- Create curl download command
local curl_command = "curl --output " .. filename .. " "
curl_command = curl_command .. presigned_download.url


Get the download URL list for this context



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
limit integer Number of files to query
Maximum: 1000
cursor string Indicate the cursor when query files, normally returned by request
expires_in ^[0-9]{0,9}$ Time duration in seconds or URL validity; Expiration lasts for 5 minutes by default.
Maximum: 86400
Minimum: 1


Code Body Type Description
200 [ object ] The download URL list

Object Parameter of 200 response:

Name Type Description
id string The id of the content item
url string The URL to use
method "GET" The HTTP method to use with this URL


local opts = {
  cursor = nil, -- specify the file id to start with
  limit = 5,
  expires_in = 600

-- This will return download urls for all files
local res = Content.downloadAll(opts)


Retrieve metadata and tags associated with uploaded content



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
id string The content unique ID


Code Body Type Description
200 object The content info
404 object Content not found

Object Parameter of 200 response:

Name Type Description
id string The id of the content item
tags object Tags and their values for the content item
tags.*** string Tag value
type string The mime type of the content item
length integer The content item's length in bytes
sync_time string(dateTime) Sync timestamp (formatted as ISO 8601)
backup_time string(dateTime) Backup timestamp (formatted as ISO 8601)
last_modified string(dateTime) Last modified timestamp (formatted as ISO 8601)

Object Parameter of 404 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message


local res ={
  id = 'image.png',


Get the list of content items for the solution



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
full boolean Return complete content items instead of the id only(Default = false).
tags string,object(json) Both object with key values and json string with escaped double quotes are acceptable. When it is provided, returning full content properties is expected. If it is a map, the key should follow [naming rules] (
op "AND", "OR" The operation for tags filters logic.
limit integer Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000).
Maximum: 1000
Minimum: 1
recursive boolean Return items nested in sub-folders (keys containing '/') (Default = true).
prefix string Only returns items starting with the given prefix. Returning regular files only by default, i.e., excluding device2 and signal daily archive content
cursor string Pagination cursor: The last key returned by the previous page.
sort_by "content_id", "updated_at" Sort key
Default: "content_id"
sort_order "asc", "desc" Sort order
Default: "asc"
page integer The page with files to display
Maximum: 500
Minimum: 1
Default: 1
start_time integer The beginning of datetime(unix timestamp in second)
end_time integer The end of datetime(unix timestamp in second)


Code Body Type Description
200 [ object ] An array of content items

Object Parameter of 200 response:

Name Type Description
id string The id of the content item
tags object Tags and their values for the content item
tags.*** string Tag value
type string The mime type of the content item
length integer The content item's length in bytes
sync_time string(dateTime) Sync timestamp (formatted as ISO 8601)
backup_time string(dateTime) Backup timestamp (formatted as ISO 8601)
last_modified string(dateTime) Last modified timestamp (formatted as ISO 8601)


local res = Content.list({
  full = true
-- or
res = Content.list({
  tags = to_json({mykey = "myvalue"})
-- or
res = Content.list({
  tags = to_json({mykey = "myvalue", mykey2 = "myvalue2"}),
  op = "OR"


Update a content service file's tags. The tags are only stored locally in content_service.



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
id string The content unique ID
tags string,object(json) Both object with key values and json string with escaped double quotes are acceptable. When it is provided, returning full content properties is expected. If it is a map, the key should follow [naming rules] (
merge boolean By default, merge the tags on True, set to False to replace tags.


Code Body Type Description
200 nil Config updated


local new_tag = to_json({newkey = "newvalue"})
local res = Content.updateTags({id="file_name_in_content_service",tags=new_tag, merge =true})


Update multiple files' tags in Content Service. The tags are only stored locally in Content Service.



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
tags string,object(json) Both object with key values and json string with escaped double quotes are acceptable. When it is provided, returning full content properties is expected. If it is a map, the key should follow [naming rules] (
merge boolean By default, merge the tags on True, set to False to replace tags.
body [ string ] The list of files user wants to update tags


Code Body Type Description
200 nil Config updated
400 object Argument error
404 object Content not found

Object Parameter of 400 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message

Object Parameter of 404 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message


local new_tag = to_json({newkey = "newvalue"})
local res = Content.updateTagsMulti({tags=new_tag, merge=true, body = {"file1", "file2"}})


Get the upload URL for the specified content item. The content ID will be generated if not supplied, and can be generated using the key, if provided.



parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.

Name Type Description
id string The content unique ID
md5 string The md5 sum of the content to upload
type string The content's type
expires_in ^[0-9]{0,9}$ Time duration in seconds or URL validity; Expiration lasts for 5 minutes by default.
Maximum: 86400
Minimum: 1
tags string,object(json) Both object with key values and json string with escaped double quotes are acceptable. When it is provided, returning full content properties is expected. If it is a map, the key should follow [naming rules] (


Code Body Type Description
200 object The upload URL
400 object Invalid file type
429 object Exceed upload quota

Object Parameter of 200 response:

Name Type Description
id string The id of the content item
url string The URL to use
field string The name of the part containing upload data (must be LAST)
inputs object Additional parts expected with the upload
inputs.acl string Acl
inputs.key string Key
inputs.policy string Policy
inputs.x-amz-date string Amz date
inputs.Content-MD5 string Content md5
inputs.content-type string Content type
inputs.x-amz-algorithm string Amz algorithm
inputs.x-amz-meta-name string Meta name
inputs.x-amz-signature string Amz signature
inputs.x-amz-credential string Amz credential
method "POST" The HTTP method to use with this URL
enctype string The expected form-data encoding to use

Object Parameter of 400 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message

Object Parameter of 429 response:

Name Type Description
type string The error message's type
message string The associated error message


local filename = "image.png"
local file_type = "image/png"
local expires_in = 600

local presigned_upload = Content.upload({
  id = filename,
  type = file_type,
  expires_in = expires_in,

-- Create curl upload command
local curl_command = "curl"
for k, v in pairs(presigned_upload.inputs) do
  curl_command = curl_command .. " -F \"" .. k .. "=" .. v .."\""
end -- This assumes the file exist in the same directory as curl is being called from.
curl_command = curl_command .. " -F file=@" .. filename .. " " .. presigned_upload.url

Service Health Check



Enable the hosting system to check if service is active and running



No Content


Name Type Description
200 string OK


No content