West Connectivity Release Notes
Key Updates:
- Content service now supports local storage and automated copy to secondary storage (Enables files in both local and cloud file storage).
- Solution custom APIs powered by the Webservice endpoints now support native authentication with “API key” token.
- Distributed System IoT data communication now enables downstream commands to the source IoT Connector.
- Device search is enhanced with advanced query supporting multiple tags and comparison operators (=, !=, <, >).
- New flexible and intuitive log page.
Detailed Updates by Component:
- Support added for configuration of multiple PKI verification CA certificate.
- Enhanced DOS protection with limits for concurrent active connections.
- Added new m2 HTTP API capability to align signal/resource functions:
- Query signal historical data.
- Query signal last value.
- Support pagination when list content with m2 HTTP API.
- Apply URL encoding on all signal names (signal names will be stored as encoded name, there will be no decoding).
- Expands certificate validation to accept if certificate does not have “.m2” in CNAME & support SAN domain match when client connect with certificate.
- Support restore of archived IoT Signals data with fixed retention period.
- Support import of archived IoT Signals data with user defined retention period.
Remote data Synchronization
- Support downstream commands to “source” IoT Connector (allows user to send requests from cloud and executed in edge).
- Dynamic source integration enables adding new sources without need of central system configuration & restart.
- Important notes about backward compatibility for the remote synchronization feature:
- Downstream commands are not fully supported to older source system versions (e.g. v1.4).
- addIdentities, addIdentityTag, removeIdentityTag, listTagNames, setIdentityState, publishData.
- If a new Source environment is upgraded to v1.5 (or later), the central system must be restarted.
- Data read access for multiple signals.
- New operation exposes history of triggered timeout events.
- On-premises deployments can now natively configure a local storage system instead of relying on cloud storage.
- Support of a secondary remote storage configuration. Uploaded files will always be stored in primary storage and if secondary storage is configured, files will be automatically synchronized.
- Allows setup of global smtp/smtps definitions in environment variable.
- Includes West CA for West internal email server support.
- Provides native authentication with “API key” token to enable secure custom APIs.
Solution Configuration
- Solution template
- Provides commit_id of the latest solution template version.
- Allows import and export of Git & Zip files.
Key Updates:
- The Content Service UI page of IoT solution has been refactored.
- The Setting UI page of IoT solution has been refactored.
- The structure of the Documentation feature page has been updated with a new functional map
Detailed Updates by Component:
- The new HTTP API supports “publish as” feature
- The new HTTP API supports data publication with timestamps
- The response format for device2 APIs has been uniformed
- Resource subscription is now supported
- The "state" parameter has been removed from the response of the
- New service for image inference based on customized Onnx model.
- Support multi-stage model inference.
- The new API allows for timers update in accordance with changes in resource settings.
- Several APIs have been added to facilitate the new UI interaction.
- The new "mobileApp" authentication scheme is now supported.
- The Lua crypto module now supports the cert validation.
Key Updates:
- [UI] Login and register pages shows a completely new interface.
- [UI] Marketplace has a new look and services/published elements are easier to pair.
- [UI] Signals page now shows the subscribers of a specific signal.
- [UI] Resource and Solution creation are simpler and easy to understand.
- [UI] Create and publish solutions from Git repository.
- [UI] New top bar contains better access to documentation, tutorial and support.
- [Documentation] The documentation has been updated with a fresh, clear, and bright design.
- Allow encryption and decryption of service configurations and environmental variables
- Default disable device provisioning
Detailed Updates by Component:
- Support multiple resources and timestamps for setting device data.
- Enable setting an order parameter while querying data.
- The performance of time-series database CRUD operations has been improved by over 3 times.
- Support device metrics query to show device connection status and metrics
- Support both HTTP/MQTT protocols simultaneously.
- Subscription to a signal will return last value as 1st value before sending real-time data.
- Signal/resource event allows users to know when event data is duplicated.
- Archives data daily in CSV format and isolated by solution
- In the service configuration, a new field of data type has been added.
- Solution template now allows direct link to git repo.
- Limit only West Employees can invite users to IoT Platform
- Allow query last value for both signal and resource from Lua.
- Allow users to set solution environment variables.
- Allow users to set timer that triggers once or by schedule
- Allow users to reset timer
- Allow users to receive/disable of timer timeout event
- Allow dynamic service integration to have cross namespace connection
- Allow users to upload file directly with pre-signed url
- Expose max size environment and increase the value to be < 512MB
West Connectivity v1.2 is released on iot.westpharma.com, with following new key features:
Dynamic Service
- Plug-&-Play and secure custom micro-service integration to the West Connectivity MarketplaceRemote Data Sync
- Synchronize plant data to cloud the cloud West ConnectivityOPC-UA Integration
- Ingest data from OPC-UA server, e.g. Kepware, directly into the West ConnectivityScript QoS1
- Guaranteed data transformation and processing execution