Device Gateway & Connectivity Service
The Device-to-Cloud (Device2) service provides connectivity and fleet management capability for handling digital twins identities, defining data behavior and configure device life-cycle settings.
Data query
- Device2.aggrqueryResource()
- Device2.aggrquerySignal()
- Device2.aggrquerySignals()
- Device2.latestSignalsSearch()
- Device2.queryResource()
- Device2.querySignal()
- Device2.querySignalSubscribers()
- Device2.querySignals()
- Device2.querySignalsSubscribers()
Data restore
- Device2.getRestoreStatus()
- Device2.getRestoreTaskStatus()
- Device2.restoreTime()
- Device2.restoreUrl()
- Device2.retryRestoreTask()
Device metrics
- Device2.addIdentity()
- Device2.countIdentities()
- Device2.getIdentity()
- Device2.listIdentities()
- Device2.makeIdentity()
- Device2.removeIdentities()
- Device2.removeIdentity()
- Device2.updateIdentities()
- Device2.updateIdentity()
Identity state
Identity tags
- Device2.addIdentityTag()
- Device2.getIdentityTag()
- Device2.listTagNames()
- Device2.removeIdentityTag()
Publish data
Solution resource
- Device2.addResource()
- Device2.getGatewayResource()
- Device2.getGatewayResourceList()
- Device2.updateResource()
- event - Device2 gateway event.
Configuration parameters
Please note that bold arguments are required, while italic arguments are optional.
Name | Type | Description |
enable_signal_parser | boolean | When signal parser is enabled, the server will parse the payload of config_io/data_in, translate them into signal data and save them into database. |
permission | object | Solution level permission for all devices |
permission.gateway | [ ^[\w-_:\.]+$ ] | A gateway device is allowed to publish as other devices within this solution |
pki | object, null | The Public Key Interface configuration. If enabled, clients connecting with a client certificate will have to successfully validate their certificate against the configured Certificate Authority (client_ca), provided by the configured vendor. |
pki.vendor | object, null | The PKI vendor name and specific settings. | | "DigiCert" | The name of the PKI vendor. |
pki.vendor.options | object | The settings specific to the configured PKI vendor. |
pki.enabled | boolean | Enables/disables client certificate validation for this domain. |
pki.client_ca | [ string ] | The Certificate Authority configured for this domain in PEM format. |
provisioning | object | The provisioning rules used to create and provision devices to the gateway. If enabled devices maybe connect and provision with the gateway associating its identity and credentials for use in subsequent connections. Once provisioned a device credentials are securely one-way hashed and can not be retrieved from the gateway. Default: |
provisioning.enabled | boolean | Enables/disabling provisioning for this gateway context. If "true", devices are allowed to connect for provisioning. If "false", devices cannot provision. This property defaults to "true". |
provisioning.auth_type | "certificate", "token", "password" | The authentication method used when provisioning credentials for a device. Devices must authenticate when connecting to the gateway. This property specifies the expected authentication scheme devices must use when provisioning. Supported schemes are: certificate: an X.509 keypair in which the device authenticates by presenting the public component of its cert and proving it possesses the private component when challenged. The certificate must encode its identity in the CN component of the certificate (i.e. public component. The public component alone is not sufficient to grant access, and the private component never leaves the device (that is, is never exchanged over-the-wire); consequently this is considered the most secure authentication mechanism and is preferred. password: a string of at least 20 bytes. Any value of 0-255 can be used. Only the MQTT protocol supports this auth method. * token: a string representing both the identity and the password of a device. This token is granted to the device when it is activated as part of the provisioning process and presented by the device when it connects. |
provisioning.ip_whitelisting | object | Settings to manage allowed IP addresses of provisioning devices. These settings apply to devices requesting to provision. Once provisioned, devices may connect from any IP address regardless of these settings. |
provisioning.ip_whitelisting.allowed | [ string ] | An array of IPv4 addresses devices may connect from when provisioning. Devices must connect from an IP address in this list (assuming ip_whitelisting is enabled). Example: ["",""] |
provisioning.ip_whitelisting.enabled | boolean | Enables/disables restricting IP addresses that a device may connect from when provisioning. If "true", only devices connecting from the specified IP addresses will be allowed to provision (all others will be rejected). If "false", devices may provision from any IP address. This property defaults to "false". |
provisioning.generate_identity | boolean | Enables/disables the gateway to generate the identity for a device connecting without one. If "true", the gateway will generate an identity for the connecting device if it doesn't have one. If "false", devices are expected to connect with an identity. This property defaults to "false". |
provisioning.presenter_identity | boolean | Enables/disables the acceptance of device-presented identities. This property is useful when identities are not whitelisted in advance, thereby allowing the connecting device to present its own identity at the time of connection. If "true", devices need not be whitelisted prior to connecting. The device, instead, connects with an identity and if the presented identity is not known to the gateway, the identity is added. If "false", only known (whitelisted) identities are allowed to connect to the gateway. This property defaults to true. |
fqdn | string | The fully-qualified domain name to be used by devices connecting to the gateway. Devices will connect to the gateway using this domain, typically securely over port 443 using TLS. |
identity_format | object | The format specification for a device's identity. Device identities must adhere to the specified format. Any device identity not matching the format specification is rejected. |
identity_format.type | "mac:48", "mac-48", "mac.48", "uuidv4", "base10", "base16", "opaque" | The principle format for the identity. West Connectivity supports MAC addresses in the following forms: mac:48, a MAC address format using colons (MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS) mac-48, a MAC address format using dashes (MM-MM-MM-SS-SS-SS) mac.48, a MAC address format using dots (MMM.MMM.SSS.SSS) uuidv4, a universally unique identifier format (with results akin to e5fa76f8-1220-45c9-b972-3e2345851677) base10, a base-10 number format (0123456789) base16, a base-16 (hexadecimal) number format (0123456789abcdef) * opaque, a free-form "format". Any UTF-8 encoded string. |
identity_format.prefix | string | An optional prefix that should be present at the beginning of the device's identity. The prefix is applicable only when the type is either "base10" or "base16". The prefix must conform to the "casing"'s value, but is not included when validating the length. |
identity_format.options | object | Additional identity format options. |
identity_format.options.casing | "lower", "upper", "mixed" | The string case. Applies to all types and validates against the entire identity (including the prefix). If unspecified, casing is assigned to "mixed". |
identity_format.options.length | number | The number of required digits when using base10 and base16. |
identity_format.options.mac_base | string | The first 3 octets of the MAC address of the device connecting to West Connectivity. This can also be referred to as the Manufacturer ID. In the MAC address examples (mac:48, mac-48, and mac.48), the MAC base corresponds to the digits represented using the letter "M", whereas the letter "S" represents the unique ID of the connecting device. |
root_ca_fingerprint | string | The fingerprint of the root CA certificate that issued the intermediate CA or server certificate served by Okami for this domain. |
solution_sync | object | The solution sync linking information. source is the upsteam linking target is the downsteam linking |
solution_sync.source | object | The solution sync linking configuration. | | object | The solution sync linking configuration. |
Please note that bold arguments are required, while italic arguments are optional.
Retrieves the aggrgate dataset of the given {resource} based on time bucket given. default fields are min, max, sum, count. the result is sorted by report time desc.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
resource | string | The identifier of a given resource. |
bucket | "1m", "5m", "1h" | The continuous aggregates query time chunk |
start_time | number | The start of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time >= start_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
end_time | number | The end of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time < end_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 10000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
page | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Maximum: 999999999999999 Minimum: 1 |
epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp precision |
identities | string | The identities list concat by ",". |
fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | One to many aggregation function results in return. |
group | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The dataset of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - | | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Minimum: 1 |
q.sort | string | Sort |
q.epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp format | | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
q.limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
q.order | string | Order | | integer | Total results |
q.bucket | string | Bucket |
q.fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
q.end_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
q.resource | string | Resource |
q.identities | [ string ] | Filter by device identity |
q.start_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
data | [ object ] | - |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the aggrgate dataset of the given {signal} based on time bucket given. default fields are min, max, sum, count. the result is sorted by report time desc.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
signal | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_%-]+$ | The definition of a given signal. |
bucket | "1m", "5m", "1h" | The continuous aggregates query time chunk |
start_time | number | The start of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time >= start_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
end_time | number | The end of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time < end_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 10000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
page | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Maximum: 999999999999999 Minimum: 1 |
epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp precision |
fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | One to many aggregation function results in return. |
group | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The dataset of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - | | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Minimum: 1 |
q.sort | string | Sort |
q.epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp format | | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
q.limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
q.order | string | Order | | integer | Total results |
q.bucket | string | Bucket |
q.fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
q.end_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
q.resource | string | Resource |
q.identities | [ string ] | Filter by device identity |
q.start_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
data | [ object ] | - |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the aggrgate dataset of the given {signals} based on time bucket given. default fields are min, max, sum, count. the result is merged and sorted by create time desc.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
bucket | "1m", "5m", "1h" | The continuous aggregates query time chunk |
page | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Maximum: 999999999999999 Minimum: 1 |
epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp precision |
group | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 10000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | - |
signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
end_time | number | The end of time range to filter data (formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits). The precision can be second, millisecond or microsecond, as specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time < end_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
start_time | number | The start of time range to filter data (formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits). The precision can be second, millisecond or microsecond, as specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time >= start_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The dataset of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - | | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Minimum: 1 |
q.sort | string | Sort |
q.epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp format | | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
q.limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
q.order | string | Order | | integer | Total results |
q.bucket | string | Bucket |
q.fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
q.end_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
q.resource | string | Resource |
q.identities | [ string ] | Filter by device identity |
q.start_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
data | [ object ] | - |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the latest signals of the given {context_id}.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
page | integer | Pagination number Maximum: 999999999999999 Minimum: 1 Default: 1 |
limit | integer | Number of items to return Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 100 |
reverse | boolean | The order to sort by specific column |
signals | [ string ] | Filter by signal name |
sort_key | "identity", "signal" | Sort by specific column Default: "identity" |
identities | [ string ] | Filter by device identity |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The latest signals of the context. |
400 | object | Database query error |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - | | integer | The pagination number |
q.limit | integer | The return number of item |
q.reverse | boolean | The order to sort |
q.signals | [ string ] | Name of signals |
q.sort_key | string | Sort by specific column |
q.identities | [ string ] | Name of devices |
data | [ object ] | - |
data[].identity | string | Name of device |
data[].resource | string | Resource name (resource name or data_in) |
data[].signal_id | string | Id of signal |
data[].last_value | string | The most recent value of signal data by last_update time |
data[].last_insert | string | Last update time of signal reported by server |
data[].last_update | string | Last update time of signal reported by device |
data[].signal_name | string | Name of signal (resource name) |
total | integer | Total number of data |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the dataset of the given {resource}. By default, the result is sorted by reported_time descend ordering, 1000 data point limit, and latest 7-day data received.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
resource | string | The identifier of a given resource. |
start_time | number | The start of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time >= start_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
end_time | number | The end of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time < end_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 10000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
page | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Maximum: 999999999999999 Minimum: 1 |
epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp precision |
identities | string | The identities list concat by ",". |
group | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
sort | "report", "server" | Signal data query sort by options, default value is report. |
order | "desc", "asc" | Signal data query sort order, default value is desc. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The dataset of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - | | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Minimum: 1 |
q.sort | string | Sort |
q.epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp format | | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
q.limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
q.order | string | Order | | integer | Total results |
q.bucket | string | Bucket |
q.fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
q.end_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
q.resource | string | Resource |
q.identities | [ string ] | Filter by device identity |
q.start_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
data | [ object ] | - |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
return Device2.queryResource({ identities="mockdevice", resource="temp", start_time=1703575524, end_time=1704180324 })
Retrieves the dataset of the given {signal}. The result is sorted by reported_time desc by default
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
signal | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_%-]+$ | The definition of a given signal. |
start_time | number | The start of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time >= start_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
end_time | number | The end of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time < end_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 10000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
page | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Maximum: 999999999999999 Minimum: 1 |
epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp precision |
group | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
sort | "report", "server" | Signal data query sort by options, default value is report. |
order | "desc", "asc" | Signal data query sort order, default value is desc. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The dataset of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - | | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Minimum: 1 |
q.sort | string | Sort |
q.epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp format | | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
q.limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
q.order | string | Order | | integer | Total results |
q.bucket | string | Bucket |
q.fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
q.end_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
q.resource | string | Resource |
q.identities | [ string ] | Filter by device identity |
q.start_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
data | [ object ] | - |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the subscribers of the given {signal}.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
signal | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_%-]+$ | The definition of a given signal. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The subscribers of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | List of signal or resource names |
q.identity | string | Name of device |
data | [ object ] | - |
data.offset | string | Last sync time of signal data |
data.status | string | Current error or status of the session |
data.identity | string | Name of device |
data.session_id | string | Id of session |
data.last_update | string | Last update time of suscriber session |
data.signal_name | string | Name of signal or resource |
data.session_type | "sync_to_cloud", "script_async", "mqtt_qos1" | Type of session, one of sync-to-cloud, script-async and mqtt-qos1 |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the dataset of the given {signals}. The result is merged and sorted by reported_time desc by default
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
page | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Maximum: 999999999999999 Minimum: 1 |
sort | "report", "server" | Signal data query sort by options, default value is report. |
epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp precision |
group | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 10000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
order | "desc", "asc" | Signal data query sort order, default value is desc. |
signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
end_time | number | The end of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time < end_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
start_time | number | The start of time range to filter data. Formatted as UNIX timestamp with fraction digits representing millisecond and microsecond. The precision is specified by epoch parameter. data reported_time >= start_time Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The dataset of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - | | integer | Filter the starting index to start returning object for pagination purpose. Minimum: 1 |
q.sort | string | Sort |
q.epoch | "s", "ms", "us" | Unix timestamp format | | boolean | Merge signal data result by id |
q.limit | integer | Approximate number of items to return (Default = 1000). Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 |
q.order | string | Order | | integer | Total results |
q.bucket | string | Bucket |
q.fields | [ "count", "max", "min", "sum" ] | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | The identifier of a given signals array. |
q.end_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
q.resource | string | Resource |
q.identities | [ string ] | Filter by device identity |
q.start_time | integer | Filter the time range to query to returning object (formatted as UNIX timestamp) |
data | [ object ] | - |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the subscribers of the given list of {signals}.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
signals | [ string ] | A given array of signal or resource names. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The subscribers of the signal. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
q | object | - |
q.signals | [ string ] | List of signal or resource names |
q.identity | string | Name of device |
data | [ object ] | - |
data.offset | string | Last sync time of signal data |
data.status | string | Current error or status of the session |
data.identity | string | Name of device |
data.session_id | string | Id of session |
data.last_update | string | Last update time of suscriber session |
data.signal_name | string | Name of signal or resource |
data.session_type | "sync_to_cloud", "script_async", "mqtt_qos1" | Type of session, one of sync-to-cloud, script-async and mqtt-qos1 |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
get the restore status
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | [ object ] | Get status success. |
500 | object | DB error. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
done | integer | Number of files that restored |
total | integer | Total number of file to restore |
config | string | Task config |
failed | integer | Number of files that restored failed |
status | string | Restore status |
task_id | string | Unique task id |
created_at | string | Task created time |
finished_at | string | Task completed time |
Object Parameter of 500 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
get the restore status
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
task_id | string | Restore task id |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | [ object ] | Get status success. |
400 | object | Task id no found. |
500 | object | DB error. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
status | string | Restore status |
signals | [ object ] | Restored signals in the file |
signals[].device | string | - |
signals[].signal | string | - |
signals[].resource | string | - |
file_name | string | Restore file name or restore url |
finished_at | string | Task completed time |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 500 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
restore data from archived file by time range
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
note | string | Note for restore task |
signals | [ string ] | Array for resotre signals |
end_date | string | Restore end date with ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD |
retention | "0", "3", "6", "12", "36", "60", "120" | Retention to change, 0 means temporary restore |
identities | [ string ] | Array for resotre devices |
start_date | string | Restore start date with ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | Get status success. |
400 | object | Parameter error. |
500 | object | DB error. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
total | integer | Numer og files to restore in this task |
task_id | string | Unique task id |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 500 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
restore data from archived file by urls
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
note | string | Note for restore task |
urls | array | URL array for source daily archive files |
signals | [ string ] | Array for resotre signals |
retention | "0", "3", "6", "12", "36", "60", "120" | Retention to change, 0 means temporary restore |
identities | [ string ] | Array for resotre devices |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | Get status success. |
400 | object | Parameter error. |
500 | object | DB error. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
total | integer | Numer og files to restore in this task |
task_id | string | Unique task id |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 500 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
retry the failed files for the task
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
task_id | string | Retry task id |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | Retry success. |
400 | object | Not able to find the failed file for the task id |
500 | object | DB error. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
message | string | Success message |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 500 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieve aggregated device metrics.
It provides an overview of devices's status within any given period (1m/5m/1h).
Users have the flexibility to apply different functions such as count, max, min, sum, and avg to obtain pertinent results.
The metrics include:
1. Connection Metrics: Connected, Connection, Disconnection, Connection Error
2. Provision Metrics: Deleted, Whitelisted, Expired, Locked, Reprovision
3. Publish Metrics: Publish Count, Publish Size, Publish Resource Count
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
aggregate_window | "1m", "5m", "1h" | Aggregate window. Default: "1h" |
aggregate_fn | "count", "max", "min", "sum", "avg" | Aggregate function. Default: "count" |
start_time | integer | Start time, formatted as UTC timestamp in second, default will be end_time - 1h. Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
end_time | integer | End time, formatted as UTC timestamp in second, default will be now Maximum: 9999999999 Minimum: 1000000000 |
metric_name | "connected", "connection", "disconnection", "deleted", "whitelisted", "provisioned", "expired", "locked", "reprovision", "publish_count", "publish_size", "publish_resource_count", "connection_error" | Metric name. Default: "connected" |
limit | integer | Query limit. Maximum: 2000 Minimum: 1 Default: 200 |
offset | integer | Query offset. |
distinct | boolean | Query group by device id. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | [ object ] | Aggregated metric data. |
400 | object | Error. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
time | string | UTC Time. |
value | number | Aggregated value. |
connection_error | string | Provide reason for error connections, only valid when metric is connection_error. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
local body = {}
body.metric_name = "connection"
body.aggregate_fn = "count"
body.aggregate_window = "5m"
local ret = Device2.getDeviceMetrics(body)
-- Expected Result --
-- [
-- {
-- "time": "2024-07-29T07:40:00.000000Z",
-- "value": 1
-- },
-- {
-- "time": "2024-07-29T08:10:00.000000Z",
-- "value": 2
-- },
-- {
-- "time": "2024-07-29T08:15:00.000000Z",
-- "value": 2
-- }
-- ]
Adds {identity} to the gateway.
A device must have both an identity and be able to authenticate against the gateway before it can send updates, receive control requests, and download files. Such devices are considered "provisioned". These settings determine how the device is expected to authenticate.
If the gateway settings allow provisioning and accepts the device "presented" identity, whitelisting is unnecessary. In this case the device presents its identity (e.g. serial number, public certificate) and the gateway associates credentials used in subsequent connections.
The addIdentity operation establishes a new device identity. It may also assign the authentication credentials for the identity and set the "locked" value to temporarily prevent an identity from connecting.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The identifier of a given device. |
auth | object | The authentication object for identities connecting to the gateway. |
auth.key | string, null | The credential used to authenticate the identity. The value and format of this "key" is dependent on the "type" field. Notes: because certificate needs to know the identity name beforehead, so makeIdentity will not work if auth type is set to certificate . |
auth.type | "certificate", "password", "token" | The type of credential used to authenticate the identity. |
auth.expire | integer | The expiration timestamp of this authentication object. If the "expire" timestamp is surpassed, the status of a "whitelisted" identity becomes "expired" and a "provisioned" identity becomes "reprovision". |
locked | boolean | Setting "locked" property of an identity to "true" will prevent the device from communicating with the gateway. The default value is "false". |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | Identity successfully added to the gateway with the provided properties. |
400 | object | The provided identity properties were invalid. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
409 | object | Device object with this identity already exists. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 409 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Returns the number of identities associated with the gateway.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
before | number | Filter identities whose "lastseen" timestamp is smaller than the given value. |
status | string | Filter identities by provided status. The following status are recognized: a "locked" identity may not connect, even with valid authentication. a "reprovision" identity must be re-provisioned because its authentication key has expired. an "expired" identity has missed its provisioning window and must be reset. a "provisioned" identity has associated authentication credentials and is ready for use. a "whitelisted" identity does not have authentication credentials associated and must be provisioned. an "online" identity is currently connected. * an "offline" identity is currently disconnected. Multiple status can be provided, separated by a comma. Example: status=locked,expired,... |
identity | string(regex) | Filter identities by regular expression match on their Id. Example: Return devices beginning with the letter "a" with filter "^a.". "a", for example, use the following regular expression: "^a.". |
ipaddress | string | Filter identities with last seen IP address ("lastip") matching given value. |
version | string | Not implemented. | | string | Filter identities matching the given tag name. |
tag.value | string | Filter identities matching the given tag name and value. Note: the tag name must be provided when using a tag value. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The number of identities. |
400 | object | Invalid query parameters. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
count | number | - |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the properties of the given {identity}.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The identifier of a given device. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The properties and state of the identity. |
404 | object | The gateway context or identity does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
auth | object | The authentication object for identities connecting to the gateway. |
auth.key | string, null | The credential used to authenticate the identity. The value and format of this "key" is dependent on the "type" field. Notes: because certificate needs to know the identity name beforehead, so makeIdentity will not work if auth type is set to certificate . |
auth.type | "certificate", "password", "token" | The type of credential used to authenticate the identity. |
auth.expire | integer | The expiration timestamp of this authentication object. If the "expire" timestamp is surpassed, the status of a "whitelisted" identity becomes "expired" and a "provisioned" identity becomes "reprovision". |
tags | [ object ] | Array of tag pairs |
tags[].name | string | The tag name with a maximum length of 128 bytes. |
tags[].value | string | The tag value with a maximum length of 4096 bytes. |
state | object | The current state of the device as represented by assigned resources. For any resource with either a device-published ("reported") or cloud-assigned ("set") value, the value will appear here. Note that a device publishes to both the "reported" and the "set" value. An example follows: { "temp": { "timestamp": 1490392562583312, "set": 1591, "reported": 1591 } } |
state.*** | object | The current set and reported values for a given resource. |
state..set* | string, boolean, number | The last value set from the cloud. |
state..reported* | string, boolean, number | The last value reported from the device. |
state..timestamp* | number | The time this resource was set. |
lastip | string | The most recent IP address from which this device connected. |
locked | boolean | The "locked" value for this device. If set to "true", connection requests from this device are refused. |
online | boolean | Indicates whether the device is currently connected to the gateway. |
status | "locked", "reprovision", "provisioned", "whitelisted", "expired" | The device's current status. The following status values are recognized: A "locked" identity may not connect, even with valid authentication. A "reprovision" status indicates the device must be re-provisioned because its authentication key has expired. An "expired" status indicates that the identity provisioning window has expired and must be reset. A "provisioned" identity has associated authentication credentials. * A "whitelisted" is an identity known to the gateway, but does not have authentication credentials associated and must be provisioned. |
identity | string | The device's identity. Only one device with this identity may exist in a given gateway context. |
lastseen | number | The most recent timestamp at which this device connected or published data. |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Gets a list of the device identities associated with the gateway.
The returned device list is sorted (descending) by "lastseen" timestamp.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | integer | Limit the number of returned identities to indicated value (default 50). Maximum: 2000 Default: 50 |
offset | integer | When set the query returns 'limit' number of devices but skip 'offset' number of devices at the beginning. This is useful in combination with the 'before' field when more than 'limit' of identities "lastseen" are all the same. |
order | [ ^(identity|lastseen|lastip)(\.(desc|asc))?$ ] | Sort identities by attribute values. Use '.desc' postfix to indicate descending order. You also can order by specific resources state value reported by the identity, with 'state.resource_name'. |
before | number | Filter identities whose "lastseen" timestamp is smaller than the given value. |
after | number | Filter identities whose "lastseen" timestamp is greater than the given value. |
status | string | Filter identities by provided status. The following status are recognized: a "locked" identity may not connect, even with valid authentication. a "reprovision" identity must be re-provisioned because its authentication key has expired. an "expired" identity has missed its provisioning window and must be reset. a "provisioned" identity has associated authentication credentials and is ready for use. a "whitelisted" identity does not have authentication credentials associated and must be provisioned. an "online" identity is currently connected. * an "offline" identity is currently disconnected. Multiple status can be provided, separated by a comma. Example: status=locked,expired,... |
identity | string(regex) | Filter identities by regular expression match on their Id. Example: Return devices beginning with the letter "a" with filter "^a.". "a", for example, use the following regular expression: "^a.". |
ipaddress | string | Filter identities with last seen IP address ("lastip") matching given value. |
version | string | Not implemented. | | string | Filter identities matching the given tag name. |
tag.value | string | Filter identities matching the given tag name and value. Note: the tag name must be provided when using a tag value. |
tags | string | The criteria to filter identities using tag. It should be arranged as an array of JSON objects, with each JSON object representing an individual criterion, and then converted into a string format. The JSON object includes properties such as name, operator, and value. { name: "tag name" operator: "filter operator" value: "tag value" } supported filter operator: gt: greater than gte: greater than or equal lt: less than lte: less than or equal eq: equals ne: not equals The comparison between the values is performed according to the alphabetical order of the strings. The search result will match only if all criteria are met (logical AND). Note: If "tags" is provided, then neither "" nor "tag.value" should be supplied. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | Result object |
400 | object | Invalid query parameters. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
devices | [ object ] | A list of identities and their state. |
devices[].auth | object | The authentication object for identities connecting to the gateway. |
devices[].auth.key | string, null | The credential used to authenticate the identity. The value and format of this "key" is dependent on the "type" field. Notes: because certificate needs to know the identity name beforehead, so makeIdentity will not work if auth type is set to certificate . |
devices[].auth.type | "certificate", "password", "token" | The type of credential used to authenticate the identity. |
devices[].auth.expire | integer | The expiration timestamp of this authentication object. If the "expire" timestamp is surpassed, the status of a "whitelisted" identity becomes "expired" and a "provisioned" identity becomes "reprovision". |
devices[].tags | [ object ] | Array of tag pairs |
devices[].tags[].name | string | The tag name with a maximum length of 128 bytes. |
devices[].tags[].value | string | The tag value with a maximum length of 4096 bytes. |
devices[].lastip | string | The most recent IP address from which this device connected. |
devices[].locked | boolean | The "locked" value for this device. If set to "true", connection requests from this device are refused. |
devices[].online | boolean | Indicates whether the device is currently connected to the gateway. |
devices[].status | "locked", "reprovision", "provisioned", "whitelisted", "expired" | The device's current status. The following status values are recognized: A "locked" identity may not connect, even with valid authentication. A "reprovision" status indicates the device must be re-provisioned because its authentication key has expired. An "expired" status indicates that the identity provisioning window has expired and must be reset. A "provisioned" identity has associated authentication credentials. * A "whitelisted" is an identity known to the gateway, but does not have authentication credentials associated and must be provisioned. |
devices[].identity | string | The device's identity. Only one device with this identity may exist in a given gateway context. |
devices[].lastseen | number | The most recent timestamp at which this device connected or published data. |
mayLoadMore | boolean | Additional, matching identities exist but were not returned. If "true", the query would have returned more devices, but the "limit" settings precluded it from doing so. Make additional queries with the "lastseen" timestamp set to the timestamp of the last identity in the result list. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
local tag_critera = {
name = "installed-date",
operator = "gte",
value = "20010101"
name = "installed-date",
operator = "lte",
value = "20030101"
name = "device-type",
operator = "eq",
value = "camera"
local jsonString = to_json(tag_critera)
return Device2.listIdentities(
identity = "^mock.",
tags = jsonString
Generate a new identity.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
auth | object | The authentication object for identities connecting to the gateway. |
auth.key | string, null | The credential used to authenticate the identity. The value and format of this "key" is dependent on the "type" field. Notes: because certificate needs to know the identity name beforehead, so makeIdentity will not work if auth type is set to certificate . |
auth.type | "certificate", "password", "token" | The type of credential used to authenticate the identity. |
auth.expire | integer | The expiration timestamp of this authentication object. If the "expire" timestamp is surpassed, the status of a "whitelisted" identity becomes "expired" and a "provisioned" identity becomes "reprovision". |
locked | boolean | Setting "locked" property of an identity to "true" will prevent the device from communicating with the gateway. The default value is "false". |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The viewable properties of the generated identity. |
400 | object | The provided identity properties were invalid. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
409 | object | Could not generate identity; the range is exhausted. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
auth | object | The authentication object for identities connecting to the gateway. |
auth.key | string, null | The credential used to authenticate the identity. The value and format of this "key" is dependent on the "type" field. Notes: because certificate needs to know the identity name beforehead, so makeIdentity will not work if auth type is set to certificate . |
auth.type | "certificate", "password", "token" | The type of credential used to authenticate the identity. |
auth.expire | integer | The expiration timestamp of this authentication object. If the "expire" timestamp is surpassed, the status of a "whitelisted" identity becomes "expired" and a "provisioned" identity becomes "reprovision". |
tags | [ object ] | Array of tag pairs |
tags[].name | string | The tag name with a maximum length of 128 bytes. |
tags[].value | string | The tag value with a maximum length of 4096 bytes. |
state | object | The current state of the device as represented by assigned resources. For any resource with either a device-published ("reported") or cloud-assigned ("set") value, the value will appear here. Note that a device publishes to both the "reported" and the "set" value. An example follows: { "temp": { "timestamp": 1490392562583312, "set": 1591, "reported": 1591 } } |
state.*** | object | The current set and reported values for a given resource. |
state..set* | string, boolean, number | The last value set from the cloud. |
state..reported* | string, boolean, number | The last value reported from the device. |
state..timestamp* | number | The time this resource was set. |
lastip | string | The most recent IP address from which this device connected. |
locked | boolean | The "locked" value for this device. If set to "true", connection requests from this device are refused. |
online | boolean | Indicates whether the device is currently connected to the gateway. |
status | "locked", "reprovision", "provisioned", "whitelisted", "expired" | The device's current status. The following status values are recognized: A "locked" identity may not connect, even with valid authentication. A "reprovision" status indicates the device must be re-provisioned because its authentication key has expired. An "expired" status indicates that the identity provisioning window has expired and must be reset. A "provisioned" identity has associated authentication credentials. * A "whitelisted" is an identity known to the gateway, but does not have authentication credentials associated and must be provisioned. |
identity | string | The device's identity. Only one device with this identity may exist in a given gateway context. |
lastseen | number | The most recent timestamp at which this device connected or published data. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 409 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Deletes a list of the device identities associated with the gateway.
For each identity in list, remove everything that is known about the identity including its state, authentication, and status. Future queries for these identities will return a 404 (not found).
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identities | string | A list of identities to delete, concatenated with ",". The format: " For example: "mockdevice" or "mockdevice1,mockdevice2". |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | All devices were successfully deleted. |
400 | object | The provided identity list was invalid. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Delete the given {identity}.
Remove everything that is known about the given {identity} including its state, authentication, and status. Future queries for this identity will return a 404 (not found).
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The identifier of a given device. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
205 | nil | The device was successfully deleted. |
404 | object | The gateway context or identity does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Update identities with provided update instructions that match the provided query.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
before | number | Filter identities whose "lastseen" timestamp is smaller than the given value. |
status | string | Filter identities by provided status. The following status are recognized: a "locked" identity may not connect, even with valid authentication. a "reprovision" identity must be re-provisioned because its authentication key has expired. an "expired" identity has missed its provisioning window and must be reset. a "provisioned" identity has associated authentication credentials and is ready for use. a "whitelisted" identity does not have authentication credentials associated and must be provisioned. an "online" identity is currently connected. * an "offline" identity is currently disconnected. Multiple status can be provided, separated by a comma. Example: status=locked,expired,... |
identity | string(regex) | Filter identities by regular expression match on their Id. Example: Return devices beginning with the letter "a" with filter "^a.". "a", for example, use the following regular expression: "^a.". |
ipaddress | string | Filter identities with last seen IP address ("lastip") matching given value. | | string | Filter identities matching the given tag name. |
tag.value | string | Filter identities matching the given tag name and value. Note: the tag name must be provided when using a tag value. |
add | object | Identity object fields and associated values to be added. |
add.tags | [ nil ] | - |
remove | object | Identity object fields (with values optionally specified) to be removed. |
remove.tags | [ nil ] | - |
update | object | Identity object fields to be updated with given values. |
update.state | object | The device resource values to "set", as demonstrated by the following example: { "temp": 123, "humidity": 456 } |
update.state.^(?!identity$).? | string, boolean, number | Values to be written in the resource |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | The properties in identities matching the query, were successfully updated in the device gateway |
400 | object | The provided device identity properties were invalid. |
404 | object | The device gateway context or identity does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
return Device2.updateIdentities({
tags = {
Update {identity} properties.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The identifier of a given device. |
auth | object | The authentication object for identities connecting to the gateway. |
auth.key | string, null | The credential used to authenticate the identity. The value and format of this "key" is dependent on the "type" field. Notes: because certificate needs to know the identity name beforehead, so makeIdentity will not work if auth type is set to certificate . |
auth.type | "certificate", "password", "token" | The type of credential used to authenticate the identity. |
auth.expire | integer | The expiration timestamp of this authentication object. If the "expire" timestamp is surpassed, the status of a "whitelisted" identity becomes "expired" and a "provisioned" identity becomes "reprovision". |
locked | boolean | Setting "locked" property of an identity to "true" will prevent the device from communicating with the gateway. The default value is "false". |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | The identity properties were successfully updated in the device gateway |
400 | object | The provided device identity properties were invalid |
404 | object | The device gateway context or identity does not exist |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the state of resource(s) for the provided {identity}.
The state consists of the 'set' and 'report' values associated with the identity for all defined resources.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The device's identifier |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The current state of the identity.A device-published ("reported") or cloud-assigned ("set") value willappear here. Note that a device publishes to both the "reported" andthe "set" value.Example:{ "temp": { "timestamp": 1490392562583312, "set": 1591, "reported": 1591 }} |
404 | object | The gateway context or identity does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
When sync=true(default behavior) in the resource, assign only the "set" value of a resource or set of resources for a device. If sync=false, assign both the "set" and "reported" value in the state for a device.
Note that when a device reports a new value to the resource, the effect is to assign both the "reported" and the "set" value; if the device reports a new value prior to reading the requested "set" value, the "set" value will be discarded in favor of the new "reported" value.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The device's identifier |
simulate | boolean | If set to 'true', force to trigger event as real device. |
^(?!identity|simulate$).? | string, boolean, number | Values to be written in the resource |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | The new value was successfully "set". |
400 | object | The "set" object is invalid. |
404 | object | The gateway context or identity does not exist. |
409 | object | The state is not settable. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 409 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Add an array of tags to the specified identity.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The identifier of a given identity. |
replace | boolean | If set to 'true', any 'name' in the given 'tags' already exist, they are replaced. |
tags | [ object ] | An array of tag pairs to add to the identity |
tags[].name | string | The tag name with a maximum length of 128 bytes. |
tags[].value | string | The tag value with a maximum length of 4096 bytes. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | Tags sucessfully added to the identity with the provided properties. |
400 | object | The provided tags properties were invalid. |
404 | object | The identity does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Returns a tag values in the specified identity.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The identifier of a given identity. |
name | string | The name of a tag. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | [ string ] | List all the value in this tag name. |
400 | object | The provided properties were invalid. |
404 | object | The identity does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Returns all tag names in the gateway.
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | [ string ] | List all tag names in this gateway. |
400 | object | The provided properties were invalid. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Remove given tag from the Identity. Specific values to be removed can be provided. In such case the tag will remain with other values if any.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | string | The identifier of a given identity. |
name | string | The name of a tag. |
value | string | Filter one or more tag value to delete when multiple tags with the same name exist. Split the string by "," to provide multiple tag value. The format: " For example: "value" or "value1,value2". |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | Delete tags was successful. |
400 | object | The provided properties were invalid. |
404 | object | The identity does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieves the permission setting of the given {identity}.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The permission setting of the device. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
update the permission setting of the {identity}.
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
identity | ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ | The identifier of a given identity. |
permission | object | - |
permission.subscript | object | The permission of subscript entity. |
permission.publish_as | object | The permission of publish_as entity. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | The settings were updated successfully. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Adds desired existing resource/signal data or dataset into database directly
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
payload | [ object ] | A batch of data to be published. |
payload[].values | object | Key value pair, the key is the resource name, value is the resource value. |
payload[].timestamp | number | Unix timestamp in microsecond, example -> 1693297066429357, need to be within 1 day in future and 10 years in past. |
identity | string | The device name. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | The batch data was successfully processed. |
400 | object | Wrong parameters or headers. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
message | string | The error message for this error |
return Device2.publishData({
identity = "mockdevice",
payload = {
-- Please select a valid timestamp
timestamp = 1704178234,
values = {
-- Resource key value pair
temp = 30
timestamp = 1704178240,
values = {
temp = 7
Returns the current settings for the gateway.
The settings used to establish connectivity between devices and West Connectivity. It includes the fully-qualified domain name used to establish a connection as well as the means by which devices are provisioned and authenticate.
To update settings from scripting use:
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The settings for the gateway. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
pki | object, null | The Public Key Interface configuration. If enabled, clients connecting with a client certificate will have to successfully validate their certificate against the configured Certificate Authority (client_ca), provided by the configured vendor. |
pki.vendor | object, null | The PKI vendor name and specific settings. | | "DigiCert" | The name of the PKI vendor. |
pki.vendor.options | object | The settings specific to the configured PKI vendor. |
* | any | Any other properties are accepted. |
pki.enabled | boolean | Enables/disables client certificate validation for this domain. |
pki.client_ca | [ string ] | The Certificate Authority configured for this domain in PEM format. |
fqdn | string | The fully-qualified domain name to be used by devices connecting to the gateway. Devices will connect to the gateway using this domain, typically securely over port 443 using TLS. Example: A device uses this <fqdn> when using the HTTP Device API to write data to the "temp" resource: POST /api:v1/stack/alias HTTP/1.1 Host: <fqdn> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: <length> temp=451 |
permission | object | Solution level permission for all devices |
permission.gateway | [ ^[\w-_:\.]+$ ] | A gateway device is allowed to publish as other devices within this solution |
provisioning | object | The provisioning rules used to create and provision devices to the gateway. If enabled devices maybe connect and provision with the gateway associating its identity and credentials for use in subsequent connections. Once provisioned a device credentials are securely one-way hashed and can not be retrieved from the gateway. |
provisioning.enabled | boolean | Enables/disabling provisioning for this gateway context. If "true", devices are allowed to connect for provisioning. If "false", devices cannot provision. This property defaults to "true". |
provisioning.auth_type | "certificate", "token", "password" | The authentication method used when provisioning credentials for a device. Devices must authenticate when connecting to the gateway. This property specifies the expected authentication scheme devices must use when provisioning. Supported schemes are: certificate: an X.509 keypair in which the device authenticates by presenting the public component of its cert and proving it possesses the private component when challenged. The certificate must encode its identity in the CN component of the certificate (i.e. public component. The public component alone is not sufficient to grant access, and the private component never leaves the device (that is, is never exchanged over-the-wire); consequently this is considered the most secure authentication mechanism and is preferred. password: a string of at least 20 bytes. Any value of 0-255 can be used. Only the MQTT protocol supports this auth method. * token: a string representing both the identity and the password of a device. This token is granted to the device when it is activated as part of the provisioning process and presented by the device when it connects. |
provisioning.ip_whitelisting | object | Settings to manage allowed IP addresses of provisioning devices. These settings apply to devices requesting to provision. Once provisioned, devices may connect from any IP address regardless of these settings. |
provisioning.ip_whitelisting.allowed | [ string ] | An array of IPv4 addresses devices may connect from when provisioning. Devices must connect from an IP address in this list (assuming ip_whitelisting is enabled). Example: ["",""] |
provisioning.ip_whitelisting.enabled | boolean | Enables/disables restricting IP addresses that a device may connect from when provisioning. If "true", only devices connecting from the specified IP addresses will be allowed to provision (all others will be rejected). If "false", devices may provision from any IP address. This property defaults to "false". |
provisioning.generate_identity | boolean | Enables/disables the gateway to generate the identity for a device connecting without one. If "true", the gateway will generate an identity for the connecting device if it doesn't have one. If "false", devices are expected to connect with an identity. This property defaults to "false". |
provisioning.presenter_identity | boolean | Enables/disables the acceptance of device-presented identities. This property is useful when identities are not whitelisted in advance, thereby allowing the connecting device to present its own identity at the time of connection. If "true", devices need not be whitelisted prior to connecting. The device, instead, connects with an identity and if the presented identity is not known to the gateway, the identity is added. If "false", only known (whitelisted) identities are allowed to connect to the gateway. This property defaults to true. |
solution_sync | object | The solution sync linking information. source is the upsteam linking target is the downsteam linking |
solution_sync.source | object | The solution sync linking configuration. | | object | The solution sync linking configuration. |
identity_format | object | The format specification for a device's identity. Device identities must adhere to the specified format. Any device identity not matching the format specification is rejected. |
identity_format.type | "mac:48", "mac-48", "mac.48", "uuidv4", "base10", "base16", "opaque" | The principle format for the identity. West Connectivity supports MAC addresses in the following forms: mac:48, a MAC address format using colons (MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS) mac-48, a MAC address format using dashes (MM-MM-MM-SS-SS-SS) mac.48, a MAC address format using dots (MMM.MMM.SSS.SSS) uuidv4, a universally unique identifier format (with results akin to e5fa76f8-1220-45c9-b972-3e2345851677) base10, a base-10 number format (0123456789) base16, a base-16 (hexadecimal) number format (0123456789abcdef) * opaque, a free-form "format". Any UTF-8 encoded string. |
identity_format.prefix | string | An optional prefix that should be present at the beginning of the device's identity. The prefix is applicable only when the type is either "base10" or "base16". The prefix must conform to the "casing"'s value, but is not included when validating the length. |
identity_format.options | object | Additional identity format options. |
identity_format.options.casing | "lower", "upper", "mixed" | The string case. Applies to all types and validates against the entire identity (including the prefix). If unspecified, casing is assigned to "mixed". |
identity_format.options.length | number | The number of required digits when using base10 and base16. |
identity_format.options.mac_base | string | The first 3 octets of the MAC address of the device connecting to West Connectivity. This can also be referred to as the Manufacturer ID. In the MAC address examples (mac:48, mac-48, and mac.48), the MAC base corresponds to the digits represented using the letter "M", whereas the letter "S" represents the unique ID of the connecting device. |
partition_key_level | string | Partition key level |
root_ca_fingerprint | string | The fingerprint of the root CA certificate that issued the intermediate CA or server certificate served by Okami for this domain. |
enable_signal_parser | boolean | When signal parser is enabled, the server will parse the payload of config_io/data_in, translate them into signal data and save them into database. |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
get solution pairing information.
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The solution pairing information. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
source | object | The solution sync linking configuration. |
target | object | The solution sync linking configuration. |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Create the definition of resource {alias}. To add resources from scripting use
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
alias | [.$]+$ | The name of this resource. |
sync | boolean | Indicates whether this resource needs to be synced with the device. After using setIdentityState: If true (default), the resource state will wait acknowledgment from the device to be applied. If false, the state value is changed immediately. Default: true |
unit | string | The unit of measure for this resource. Examples units include °C, mb, and rpm. |
format | "boolean", "number", "string" | The format that published data must adhere to. There are three possible formats: "boolean": either be "true" or "false" "number": whole (integers) or real numbers (floating point numbers) * "string": any UTF-8 encode string up to 2^16 bytes (64KB) in length. |
script | object | Enable scripting execution and its qos level. |
script.qos | integer | - |
script.enable | boolean | DEPRECATED, use 'enabled' instead |
script.enabled | boolean | - |
allowed | [ nil ] | A rule describing allowable values for the resource. If the value to write does not match a rule, it is not allowed and will be rejected. |
initial | nil | An initial "set" value to initialize each identity's state with. Only valid when "settable" is "true". |
timeout | integer | Resource timeout event duration. Maximum: 86400 Minimum: 30 |
settable | boolean | Indicates whether this resource's "set" value can be assigned via the setIdentityState method. If true, the setIdentityState method may be used to update the identity's state for the resource. Each resource has two assignable values, "reported" and "set". When a device publishes data, both "reported" and "set" are assigned the reported value; when calling the setIdentityState method, only the "set" value is assigned. |
retention | "0", "3", "6", "12", "36", "60", "120" | The period of incoming data keeping at cloud/local storage. Default: 12 |
cloud_sync | object | Enable resource incoming data steaming to cloud site storage as backup, or not. DEPRECATED, use 'replication' instead |
cloud_sync.enable | boolean | - |
replication | object | Enable replication of resource data to paired connector. Needs to be enabled on both connectors. |
replication.enabled | boolean | - |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | The resource was successfully added. |
400 | object | The provided resource definition is invalid. |
404 | object | The gateway context does not exist. |
409 | object | The resource already exists. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 409 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieve the definition of resource {alias}.
To Update resources from scripting use:
local parameters = Config.getParameters({ service = "device2" })
parameters.parameters.resources.newresource = { format = "string" }
service = "device2",
parameters = { resources = parameters.resources }
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
alias | [.$]+$ | The name of this resource. |
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The resource definition object. |
400 | object | The provided resource name is invalid |
404 | object | The gateway context or resource does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
sync | boolean | Indicates whether this resource needs to be synced with the device. After using setIdentityState: If true (default), the resource state will wait acknowledgment from the device to be applied. If false, the state value is changed immediately. Default: true |
unit | string | The unit of measure for this resource. Examples units include °C, mb, and rpm. |
format | "boolean", "number", "string" | The format that published data must adhere to. There are three possible formats: "boolean": either be "true" or "false" "number": whole (integers) or real numbers (floating point numbers) * "string": any UTF-8 encode string up to 2^16 bytes (64KB) in length. |
script | object | Enable scripting execution and its qos level. |
script.qos | integer | - |
script.enable | boolean | DEPRECATED, use 'enabled' instead |
script.enabled | boolean | - |
allowed | [ nil ] | A rule describing allowable values for the resource. If the value to write does not match a rule, it is not allowed and will be rejected. |
initial | nil | An initial "set" value to initialize each identity's state with. Only valid when "settable" is "true". |
timeout | integer | Resource timeout event duration. Maximum: 86400 Minimum: 30 |
settable | boolean | Indicates whether this resource's "set" value can be assigned via the setIdentityState method. If true, the setIdentityState method may be used to update the identity's state for the resource. Each resource has two assignable values, "reported" and "set". When a device publishes data, both "reported" and "set" are assigned the reported value; when calling the setIdentityState method, only the "set" value is assigned. |
retention | "0", "3", "6", "12", "36", "60", "120" | The period of incoming data keeping at cloud/local storage. Default: 12 |
cloud_sync | object | Enable resource incoming data steaming to cloud site storage as backup, or not. DEPRECATED, use 'replication' instead |
cloud_sync.enable | boolean | - |
replication | object | Enable replication of resource data to paired connector. Needs to be enabled on both connectors. |
replication.enabled | boolean | - |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Retrieve the list of resource.
Code | Body Type | Description |
200 | object | The resource definition object. |
Object Parameter of 200 response:
Name | Type | Description |
*** | object | The definition of a property that can be written to by devices and may be set from the cloud. Resources are formally defined properties whose published values are explicitly stored by the gateway as per identity state. Devices may however publish with any alias regardless of the existence of a resource definition for that alias. All published data will be sent to the event mechanism (where they may be stored in a timeseries database or acted on in whatever manner is appropriate). For aliases with an associated resource definition the last-published, or "reported", value can be queried via the getIdentityState method. A "cloud modifiable" resource can also be "set" via the setIdentityState method to push data to a device. |
.sync* | boolean | Indicates whether this resource needs to be synced with the device. After using setIdentityState: If true (default), the resource state will wait acknowledgment from the device to be applied. If false, the state value is changed immediately. Default: true |
.unit* | string | The unit of measure for this resource. Examples units include °C, mb, and rpm. |
.format* | "boolean", "number", "string" | The format that published data must adhere to. There are three possible formats: "boolean": either be "true" or "false" "number": whole (integers) or real numbers (floating point numbers) * "string": any UTF-8 encode string up to 2^16 bytes (64KB) in length. |
.script* | object | Enable scripting execution and its qos level. |
.script.qos* | integer | - |
.script.enable* | boolean | DEPRECATED, use 'enabled' instead |
.script.enabled* | boolean | - |
.allowed* | [ nil ] | A rule describing allowable values for the resource. If the value to write does not match a rule, it is not allowed and will be rejected. |
.initial* | nil | An initial "set" value to initialize each identity's state with. Only valid when "settable" is "true". |
.timeout* | integer | Resource timeout event duration. Maximum: 86400 Minimum: 30 |
.settable* | boolean | Indicates whether this resource's "set" value can be assigned via the setIdentityState method. If true, the setIdentityState method may be used to update the identity's state for the resource. Each resource has two assignable values, "reported" and "set". When a device publishes data, both "reported" and "set" are assigned the reported value; when calling the setIdentityState method, only the "set" value is assigned. |
.retention* | "0", "3", "6", "12", "36", "60", "120" | The period of incoming data keeping at cloud/local storage. Default: 12 |
.cloud_sync* | object | Enable resource incoming data steaming to cloud site storage as backup, or not. DEPRECATED, use 'replication' instead |
.cloud_sync.enable* | boolean | - |
.replication* | object | Enable replication of resource data to paired connector. Needs to be enabled on both connectors. |
.replication.enabled* | boolean | - |
Update the definition of resource {alias}. To Update resources from scripting use:
parameters (object) - Object containing service call parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
alias | [.$]+$ | The name of this resource. |
sync | boolean | Indicates whether this resource needs to be synced with the device. After using setIdentityState: If true (default), the resource state will wait acknowledgment from the device to be applied. If false, the state value is changed immediately. Default: true |
unit | string | The unit of measure for this resource. Examples units include °C, mb, and rpm. |
format | "boolean", "number", "string" | The format that published data must adhere to. There are three possible formats: "boolean": either be "true" or "false" "number": whole (integers) or real numbers (floating point numbers) * "string": any UTF-8 encode string up to 2^16 bytes (64KB) in length. |
script | object | Enable scripting execution and its qos level. |
script.qos | integer | - |
script.enable | boolean | DEPRECATED, use 'enabled' instead |
script.enabled | boolean | - |
allowed | [ nil ] | A rule describing allowable values for the resource. If the value to write does not match a rule, it is not allowed and will be rejected. |
initial | nil | An initial "set" value to initialize each identity's state with. Only valid when "settable" is "true". |
timeout | integer | Resource timeout event duration. Maximum: 86400 Minimum: 30 |
settable | boolean | Indicates whether this resource's "set" value can be assigned via the setIdentityState method. If true, the setIdentityState method may be used to update the identity's state for the resource. Each resource has two assignable values, "reported" and "set". When a device publishes data, both "reported" and "set" are assigned the reported value; when calling the setIdentityState method, only the "set" value is assigned. |
retention | "0", "3", "6", "12", "36", "60", "120" | The period of incoming data keeping at cloud/local storage. Default: 12 |
cloud_sync | object | Enable resource incoming data steaming to cloud site storage as backup, or not. DEPRECATED, use 'replication' instead |
cloud_sync.enable | boolean | - |
replication | object | Enable replication of resource data to paired connector. Needs to be enabled on both connectors. |
replication.enabled | boolean | - |
Code | Body Type | Description |
204 | nil | The resource was successfully updated. |
400 | object | The provided resource definition is invalid. |
404 | object | The gateway context or resource does not exist. |
Object Parameter of 400 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Object Parameter of 404 response:
Name | Type | Description |
code | integer(int32) | The error code for this error |
message | string | The error message for this error |
Specific transactions cause the Device2 gateway to emit events with the event.type field set to one of the following:
- connect - A device has successfully authenticated to the gateway
- disconnect - An authenticated device has disconnected
data_in - An authenticated device has published data. The event.payload field contains an array of objects in the form of:
{"timestamp": <timestamp>, "values":[{"<alias>": <value>}]}
content_in - An authenticated device has uploaded file in content store. The event.payload field contains an Json objects in the form of:
{"id": <id>, "length": <length>, "tags": <tags>, "type": <type>}
deleted - A device has been deleted.
- provisioned - An identity has successfully provisioned.
- expired - An identity failed to provision because its provisioning window has expired.
event (object) - The event table
Name | Type | Description |
ip | string | Ip Address that the device connected to the gateway from |
type | "connect", "disconnect", "data_in", "content_in", "deleted", "provisioned", "expired" | The event type |
payload | [ object ] | List of data transmitted by the identity. Only for events of type 'data_in' |
payload[].values | object | Map of resources |
payload[].values.*** | string, boolean, number | Resource value |
payload[].timestamp | number | Update time in epoch micro-seconds |
identity | string | The authenticated identity of the connected device |
protocol | string | Specifies the protocol that the device connected with. |
timestamp | integer | The UNIX timestamp at which the event was generated |
connection_id | string | A unique id shared across all events generated from the same network connection |
updated_resources | [ string ] | List of resource aliases from the payload which has been set as Identity state. |
-- Data are in the 'event' argument.
if event.type ~= "data_in" then
return -- Only for incoming data
local metrics = {}
for i, data in ipairs(event.payload) do
for resource, value in pairs(data.values) do
metrics[event.identity .. "-" .. resource] = value
-- Write all device data to West Connectivity Time-Series database.
Tsdb.write({ metrics = metrics})
Service Health Check
Enable the hosting system to check if service is active and running
No Content
Name | Type | Description |
200 | string | OK |
No content